
About 20 Medical Colleges are established in Nepal including government and private colleges. Colleges are mainly affiliated to Kathmandu University (KU) and Tribhuvan University (TU). Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS) and BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS) are autonomous University as they regulate their own entrance examination, curriculum, and grading system.

KU and TU operate via their constituent school, Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences (KUSMS) and Maharajgunj Medical Campus (IOM), Maharajgunj Nursing Campus respectively.


The Institute of Medicine (IOM) was established in 1972 under Tribhuvan University with the mandate and the responsibility of training all the categories of health manpower needed in the country. IOM has altogether 76 seats among which 47 seats are under scholarship section. Similarly, under paying section 12 and 17 seats distributed for Nepalese and foreigner.

Category Scholarship Paying Total Seats
Open Reserved Staff/ Faculty SAARC Nepalese Foreigners
MBBS 36 9* 1 1 12 17 76
BDS 11 7 4 25
Bsc. Optometry 5 1 2 2 10
BPH PCL 11 3 6 40
+2 13 3 4
Bsc.MIT PCL 3 1 1 10
+2 3 1 1
Bsc. MLT PCL 5 1 2 15
+2 4 1 2
B. Pharmacy 14


3 11 2 30
BASLP 4 2 6



Ayurveda Campus is the only centre for higher Ayurvedic education in Nepal. It resulted from the merging of Government of Nepal’s Ayurveda Vidyalaya and Chikitsalaya with the Institute of Medicine in 1972 AD.

Category                                                        Scholarship                      Paying Total seats
Open Reserved Staff/ Faculty SAARC Nepalese Foreigners 30
BAMS 12 3 1 13 1



Maharajgunj Nursing Campus is a pioneer Nursing Campus in Nepal established in 1956 A.D. as a school of nursing under the Directorate of Health Services, Ministry of Health.

Category                                                            Scholarship                          Paying Total seats
Open Reserved Female Male Female Male
Female Male Female Male 20 4 34 6
Bsc. Nursing 11 2 3 40


Tribhuvan University (TU)

(Affiliated College)

TU is a public university for higher education and was established in 1959. It is the first University to conduct medical courses in Nepal. Since it is government finance, it is less expensive than private universities. TU affiliated colleges have 665 MBBS  seats in 7 colleges in which 66 seats are under MOE. Only, 195 BDS seats are distributed in 5 colleges, among those20 seats for MOE.  There are 13 medical colleges under Tribhuvan universities.









Total MOE Total MOE Total Total Total MOE
1 Nepal Army Institute of health & science,Sanobharyang 100 10


40 40
2 Chitwan Medical College, Bharatpur,Chitwan 100 10 40 4 35 40 40 4 25 25
3 Universal Medical College,Bhairahawa,Rupandahi 100 10 40 4 30 34 34 3 20 30
4 Gandaki Medical collage,pokhara,Kaski 95 9 25 3 38 34 34 3 24 36
5 Kist Medical College,Gwarko,Lalitpur 90 9 40 4
6 National Medical College,Birgunj,Parsa 100 10 40 40 4
7 Janaki Medical College,Janakpur,Dhanusha 80 8
8 Peoples Dental College,Nayabajar,Kathmandu 50 5
9 Manamohan Memorial Institute of health sciences,kathmandu 40 40 40 4 23 32
10 Janamaitri Foundation,Balaju,Kathmandu 26 26 3 16 34
11 National Model College for Advance Learning,Kathmandu 32
12 Pokhara Nursing Campus,Pokhara 20
13 National Academy of Medical Science,Kathamandu 10 40
   Total Seats 665 66 195 20 143 254 274 21 108 10 40 189


Kathmandu University  Medical Science (KUMS)

Kathmandu University is an   non-profit and non-government public institution. It was established in 1991 with the mission to provide quality education. KU affiliated colleges overall has 890 MBBS seats in 10 colleges in which 107 seats are specific to MOE. Whereas, 275 BDS seats are available in 5 colleges among which 28 seats are allocated for MOE. There are 12 medical colleges under Kathmandu University.

S.N College/ University Name               MBBS         BDS       Bsc. Nursing  BPT B.Pharm
Total MOE Total MOE Total MOE Total Total
1 Kathmandu University School of Medical Science, Dhulikhel 75 1 50 1 40 40 60
2 Kathmandu Medical College, Sinamangal Kathmandu 100 10 50 5 30 4
3  Maniple College e of Medical Science Pokhara 100 20 30 4
4  Nepal Medical College, Jorpati Kathmandu 100 10 50 5 30 3
5 College of Medical Science, Bharatpur 100 20 40 8 30
6 Nepalgunj Medical College, Kohalpur 100 10
7 Lumbini Medical College ,Palpa 100 10 30
8 Nobel Medical College, Biratnagar 100 10 30
9 Birat Medical College, Biratnagar 75 8
10  Devdaha Medical College, Rupandehi 40 8
11 Kantipur Dental College, Kathmandu 50 5
12 Scheer Memorial Hospital, Banepa 30
Total Seat 890 107 275 28 250 11 40 60

BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS)

B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS) was established on Jan 18, 1993 and subsequently upgraded as an autonomous Health Sciences University on Oct 28, 1998. BPKIHS has total 100 MBBS and 50 BDS seats which are categorized under 3 sections as heavily subsidized tuition fee scheme, partially subsidized tuition fee scheme and international tuition fee scheme.

S.N Category   Reserve  Seats MBBS BDS
1 Heavily Subsidized Tuition Fee Scheme(HSTFS) 1.1 Nepali Nationals












a. Open Category 17 5
b. Hill Districts 4 2
c. Dalit 1
d. Indigenous Nationalities(Janajati) 3
e. Under-privileged Women 2
f. Ward of BPKIHS Faculty 1
g. Ward of BPKIHS Staff 1 1
h. Ward of BPKIHS Faculty/ Staff
1.2 Indian Nationals 4
2 Partially Subsidized Tuition Fee Scheme(PSTFS) 2.1 Nepali Nationals a. Open Category 27 30
b. Ward of BPKIHS Faculty 3 1
C. Ward of BPKIHS Staff 1 1
2.2 Indian Nationals 6
3 International Tuition Fee Scheme 30 10
                   Total Seats 100 50


Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS)

Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS) is an autonomous, not-for-profit, public institution of higher education established in 2064 B.S. (2008 A.D.). PAHS has 65 seats categorized in 10, 16,38 and 1 for full scholarship, partial scholarship, full paying and child of PAHS staff respectively.

S.N Category MBBS
1 Full Scholarship 10
2 Partial Scholarship 16
3 Full Paying 38
4 Child of PAHS staff 1
Total Seats 65